The Supreme Court at work
Information about the work of the Court both inside and outside the courtroom, and protecting the important principles of judicial independence and open courts.
The Supreme Court’s essential task — to make independent and impartial decisions about issues that matter to Canadians — has not changed since the Court was created in 1875. But many other things have. The Court, its judges and staff are dedicated to finding ways to better serve you, both inside and outside of the courtroom.
Learn how cases come to the Court and how they are decided.
Find out how the Constitution protects judicial independence and learn about the Court’s heraldic emblems.
Read more about the open court principle and how the Court keeps the public and the media informed.
Find out how the Court promotes access to justice and a better understanding about its work.
Learn how the Court works with other countries and international organizations to strengthen the rule of law in Canada and internationally.
Read the Court’s annual report and find interesting statistics.
Date modified: 2024-12-17