Reserved seating policy and procedure
Policy to reserve a seat in the public gallery of the courtroom to attend a hearing.
The Supreme Court of Canada has adopted a policy to allow counsel to reserve seating in the public gallery of the main courtroom for their client who is a party to an appeal before the Court. Counsel must request reserved seats in advance of the hearing. This ensures, to the extent possible, that a person is able to keep the reserved seat throughout the hearing.
In select cases, it may be necessary to limit the number of seating passes. As such, the Registrar reserves the right to limit or not issue reserved seating passes. The Registry and RCMP officers may also revoke reserved seating privileges to individuals as circumstances warrant.
Public seating is limited in the courtroom and seats must be reserved in advance. Members of the public must send their request via email to the Registry at Requests cannot be submitted on behalf of other individuals.
The Supreme Court building is open to the public on sitting days, and visitors may view the hearing on screens located in the grand entrance hall (no reserved seating in this area).
Reserved seating procedure – for clients
1. Obtaining reserved seating
- 1.1 Counsel for a party before the Court may obtain 2 reserved seating passes for their clients by submitting their request via the Notice of Appearance. Counsel must provide the name of each individual who is requesting a reserved seat. On the morning of the hearing, counsel will receive their passes once they have completed the check-in process with the Registry.
- 1.2 If counsel for a party before the Court wishes to obtain more than 2 reserved seating passes, counsel must make a request to the Registrar for additional passes no later than 2 weeks before the scheduled hearing date of the appeal. Registry will contact counsel at least 1 week before the hearing to advise whether the request is approved.
- 1.3 Counsel shall distribute the reserved seating passes to their clients, accompanying persons or agents, and guests in the main hall up to 30 minutes prior to the hearing start time. If counsel is appearing before the Court virtually, Registry will distribute the passes to the client(s).
- 1.4 All clients, accompanying persons or agents, and guests who will be in attendance at the hearing must enter the building via the main entrance. Only counsel named on the Notice of Appearance should enter via the building’s East entrance.
- 1.5 Counsel can only reserve seating for clients whose case is being heard, accompanying persons or agents. Any other individual seeking to attend the hearing must make a request themselves by emailing
2. Seating in the courtroom
- 2.1 The doors to the courtroom are opened approximately 20 minutes prior to the start of a hearing for all persons with reserved seating.
- 2.2 A person with a reserved seating pass is required to show their pass to the commissionaire stationed at the courtroom entrance, and must keep their reserved seating pass with them throughout the hearing.
- 2.3 If reserved seats are not taken 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the hearing in the morning or the afternoon, or 10 minutes after an interruption from a break, the seats will be given to a member of the general public. This 10-minute rule also applies if a person with a reserved seating pass leaves the courtroom during the hearing.
- 2.4 A person who has left the courtroom must show the reserved seating pass every time when re-entering the courtroom.