Archived - Contract details
Reference number | C-2018-2019-Q4-0659 |
Procurement identification number | 1N001-1819-1193 |
Vendor name | Lexum |
Contract date | 2019-01-22 |
Economic object code / Description | 0499 - Other Professional Services not Elsewhere Specified |
Contract period / Delivery date | 2019-01-23 to 2019-03-29 |
Total contract value | $16,385.00 |
Original contract value | $16,385.00 |
Comments | This contract was sole-sourced. |
Commodity type | S - Service |
Commodity code | T099AB |
Country of origin | CA - Canada |
Solicitation procedure | TN - Traditional Non-Competitive |
Limited tendering reason | 85 - Low Dollar-value |
Instrument type | C - Contract |
Reporting period | 2019-01-01 to 2019-03-31 |
Detailed description | Add bookmarks to the complete volumes of the Canada Supreme Court Reports. |
Date modified: 2024-12-20